Intermediate Third Realm Expert!

For the next several days, Lu Qingyun spent some time to study the profound arts that he had just acquired while Lie Xingyuan was also pouring through her new acquired profound arts.

 She was more excited about the Winds Entropy Dance that he had picked for her and had immediately put aside all the other cultivation manuals that she had chosen for herself.

Since the Flaming Crimson Sword was a third realm sword art, so he began on it first rather than the Phoenix Burst. The Phoenix Burst had to wait until he had a fundamental basis in the Flaming Crimson Sword first.

 He was now alone in the practice chamber as he meditated to focus on his thoughts first. First he gauged his inner sea to check his cultivation foundation and was surprised that his small pool of spiritual sea was now like a big pool.

 "It is all thanks to Yan'Er…" he mused.