The Climb to Success

Tang Bufan was now climbing up the steep cliffs.

He had waited for a few days for his legs to be better before he attempted the climb.

In the past few days he had quickly mastered the basics of the Nine Yang Rejuvenation Skill. To his delight, not only did his legs make a rapid recovery but he felt that his constitution had also improved.

As a matter of fact, this allowed him to endure the hunger and thirst as he focused on practicing the Nine Yang Rejuvenation Skill and the Sunflower Sacred Skill at the same time.

At first when he had attempted the climb up the steep mountain cliffs, he was a little nervous but he soon found out that his worries were unproven because not only he had great strength in his arms now but he had felt extremely light.

It was due to the practice of the two divine martial skills. He could not wait to get out of this place and to master the two divine skills before he took his vendetta on Qiuxiang Huan and Qiuxiang Mei.