Deadly Trap (2)

Yue Lingxi had attacked Qin Keqin all of a sudden. 

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged more than ten strokes with their hands. Their hand to hand movements were extraordinary swift and their profound attacks were creating shockwaves all around them.

In just a short while, more than three hundred strokes were exchanged.

Yue Lingxi was startled that Qin Keqin was able to match her speed blow by blow, fist by fist and stroke by stroke. She thought, "Is she really a seventh realm expert?"

She had not started to get serious and was just testing Qin Keqin ability to react to her attacks.

All of a sudden Yue Lingxi had raised her palm to send a profound shockwave that sped to become a wind ripping wave against Qin Keqin. This attack was a seventh realm profound attack that could implode heavily on the target and exploded in a devastating shockwave.