The Headhunter Encounter

Lu Qingyun and his group had now left the Endless Abyssal Sea via a portal that was opened for them by the Guardian Spirit Endless Abyssal Sea.

There were no formality exchanges between them except for a quick greeting and thank you.

"Good bye Mother…" Yan'Er said delightfully.

Unlike the celestials that tended to viewed farewells with heartfelt emotions, Yan'Er was equally delightfully when it was time for her to say her farewell to her 'mother'. It was as though she was simply just going out for a short while and would be coming back soon.

Lu Qingyun had simply stated to the Guardian Spirit Endless Abyssal Sea that they were now ready to leave the Endless Abyssal Sea and the portal was formed in front of them.

"Leave in peace and tell no one of your experiences here." The Guardian Spirit Endless Abyssal Sea simply said without any emotions.