Do you know me that well?

By the time Ryle finished cooking and was doing some garnishing, Daisy's surprise had turned into awe, ''You made congee...'' And that too, he had made it in authentic Chinese way, like she had grown up seeing the Chen Manor doing that.

''Yes, I learnt it from my mother.'' 

It was rare for him to talk about his mother. In fact, the only time she had heard him bring it up was back during the Spring Festival when they were in Beijing, ''She must be even better with this,'' Daisy raised the tray, containing the bowl in her hand. 

"She was,'' Ryle uttered. 

Daisy stiffened, realizing what the man's words implied. 

However, Ryle seemed to unaffected while talking about it, ''She had pursued her higher education in Shanghai and she had a fondness for the culture. She would reminisce about it all the time and every once in a while, she would take me there."