The brightest star in the sky

Things changed too quickly. He thought when he considered that back then he had been living a low-key life, working for Maxim but now Maxim and him were related by blood and they were both members of the Qin Family. 

His eyes were downcast all of a sudden. 

"Eh… Sir Logan, do you need something?" Ivy hesitantly asked. 

It has been rather long since she had interacted with the man. Back in the past, both of them used to work for Maxim so it was easy to pester him endlessly. More so, he barely ever talked or smiled so she had the urge to interact with him more. It always felt like he was a loner.

At this moment, their statuses were too different. It was inappropriate to talk with him randomly so she had been quiet as she watched the kids interacting with each other.