What did he look like?

Bizarre ideas raced in his head. 

He had been with three women that night and two of them were already interrogated by Benjamin and they clearly expressed that they had left early. And the third woman he had supposedly spent the night with was suggesting that she was not with him. 

He was not a saint. If it were in the past, he would not have cared if he had a threesome or… well. But the past was past. 

For Daisy Chen, he would have to retain all his uncorrupted parts and bleach the corrupted ones clean. Hence, Ryle was fucking relieved when he discovered that those two women had left early. At least he had the decency to not go for all the three women at once.

He would have been further relieved knowing that he did not have any entanglements with the third woman as well had there not been a huge loophole in the whole thing.