
She woke up to the carriage finally pulling into the roadway to the fort. Adrien's hand gently shook her awake once more, though he continued to hold her close around her shoulders.

The door opened once the carriage came to a stop, and an unfamiliar face ushered them out of the carriage this time.

It was dark out and the light of the torches seemed dimmer than normal. That was probably just how bleary her vision was from her grogginess, though. The important part was that they'd definitely rode into the night again before making it to the fort.

She wasn't quite sure why they fell behind this time, but...the best guess she had in the moment, particularly as groggy as she still was, was that the snow had intensified after she fell asleep and slowed down their travel.

Vaguely, she wondered if they'd be late for next stop as well.