Why does it sound like you know this from experience?

At that moment, Asher felt Scarlet glaring daggers at him from behind his back and couldn't help but feel amused by her behavior.

"My, my. It seems that little Scarlet is unhappy about something. Could it be that she feels neglected because she isn't receiving enough attention from me? Is that it, dear Scarlet?" Asher teased her, flashing her a playful smile.

Scarlet scoffed and averted her gaze away from him, not bothering to respond to his remark.

"Hahaha. That's adorable." Asher chuckled and shifted his attention back to Lei Liwei, whose expression remained bright and cheerful throughout their brief exchange.

"It seems your lover got angry seeing you flirt with me." Lei Liwei observed, casting a sidelong glance at Scarlet.

"Hm? Oh, that? Well, I guess I might have to work harder to appease her later." Asher remarked with a shrug of his shoulders.