Chapter 34 Mist

Hearing, someone calling Adam,

Other workers also stopped, started looking around. "Adam?" they were confused.

"Maybe he went back," one of the workers commented thoughtfully.

"No, I doubt that. I just saw him driving the excavator," Another young worker replied with a doubtful expression. then glanced in the excavator's direction and started looking at the wall.

Suddenly, his expression became suspicious. He felt something, walked near the wall, started looking through the small gap on the other side, then put his ear near it, started listening.

Other workers were also solemn, looking at him and everyone else also, started walking and looking around. "Uncle Mike I will look, standing above the wall," another young worker spoke, and ran up on the excavator, then climbed on the wall, looking outside. His face turned pale in horror, wanted to warn everyone.