
The Olympians II

Zeus and Poseidon then stood together facing Phobos, "you two don't know anything about me huh, I am the god of fear" Phobos said "shut the hell up" Poseidon said, Poseidon then tapped the bottom of his staff on the ground which created a water ball

The water ball zoomed at Phobos then Zeus threw a lighting bolt at Phobos. Phobos dodged the water ball but the lightning bolt hit him in the chest.

Meanwhile Kratos is in the middle of a thousand Lilith clones, all the clones then charged at Kratos.

Kratos then started rapidly slashing them all at once but their was too many, the clones then started grabbing on Kratos and punching him

Hestia then used her magic to make all the clones feel like Kratos was their best friend but then Lilith charged at Hestia and punched her in the gut.

Hestia then coughed up blood but then Kratos got out of the clones hold and jumped at Lilith but then Lilith kicked Kratos to the ground.

Meanwhile Hades was looking into Gregory's eyes, Gregory then tried to run away in fear but then Hades quickly grabbed a rope and threw it at Gregory's neck and started to choke him without even touching him, Hades then kicked Gregory to the ground.

Gregory then swung at Hades but Hades dodged it then Hades elbowed Gregory in the nose then punched his throat making him cough intensely, Hades then grabbed Gregory and pinned him on the wall then threw him into a pole making the pole break and Gregory falling flat on his back.

When Gregory was getting up blood was dropping from his nose "this is getting boring let me dispose of you real quick" Hades said. Hades then uppercutted Gregory then kicked him in the chest then started slamming his head over and over on the ground.

Gregory's face was completely shattered and he couldn't even speak, Hades then grabbed Gregory by the neck and teleported them to the underworld.

Hades then started choking Gregory over a pit of lava in the underworld "all I wanted, was to be a god like master Phobos and madam Lilith but I did not know it would be like this" Gregory said with his last dying breath.

Gregory then started to cry put it started piss Hades off. Hades then cracked Gregory's neck, killing him then Hades dropped Gregory's body into the lava.

Hades then returned to the over world. Meanwhile Kratos was on the floor bleeding out, "how pathetically weak you are even for a human, no wonder I was able to kill your parents" Lilith said.

Kratos then looked up at her "you, your the one that killed them?" Kratos said "yeah it was actually easier than I thought because your father was supposed to be the strongest man in Sparta at the time but still after I killed him I slaughtered your mother, it was so cute when she was holding you in her hands while she was being stabbed by me, how soothing, that is actually why I brought you here to see if you would be a challenge but yet again I'm disappointed" Lilith said.

Meanwhile Zeus and Poseidon are both fighting Phobos together, Poseidon is tapping his staff on the floor which is created creatures out of water. Zeus is throwing lightning bolts at Phobos.

Phobos then started to mess with their head and making them fear him but that did not stop them, Zeus then created lightning bolts in both his hands then threw them simultaneously at Phobos which sent Phobos flying.

Kratos started building up a rage "hahaha how weak you've gotten now huh, it reminds me of just how weak your old man was I guess he passed it on to you, but I'm not surprised that your a weakling because your just like your parents" Lilith said.

Kratos then instantly charged at Lilith but her clones blocked the way. Kratos then instantly started rapidly slashing all the clones and killing them then a bunch of clones jumped of him but then he slashed all of them at the same time.

His blades of chaos started to glow with a symbol on it, Kratos continued the destroy all of the clones then Lilith blasted hellfire at Kratos but then Lilith used her magic to disintegrate the fire "WHAT!?" Lilith said confused

Kratos jumped at her with blood in his eyes and his blades tilted at her, Kratos then stabbed her in the heart


Kratos then started yelling intensely with heavy force, Lilith then started screaming in pain.

Zeus then started to create a giant lightning bolt and Poseidon started created a giant water dragon. Zeus then jumped up in the sky and threw the lighting bolt at Phobos while the water dragon struck Phobos killing him instantly.

Kratos then yelled while veins popped out of his body then Kratos slashed Lilith heart open along with the left side of her body, killing Lilith.

The impact from Zeus and Poseidon attacks created a massive explosion in the city which sent everyone flying.

Poseidon then woke Zeus up, Zeus felt like his left arm was broken as her could not move it at all, "we did it" Zeus said as Poseidon hugged Zeus.

Kratos then woke up with his arms bleeding and with Hestia next to him, "you did it Kratos" Hestia said. Hades then walked out the rubble to look for them.

Zeus and Poseidon then saw Kratos and Hestia and they all ran to hug each other "we actually defeated the gods" Kratos said "but we couldn't have done it together" Zeus said.

They all then heard a noise then when they looked over they saw Hades, Zeus then smiled in happiness, Hestia then ran to Hades and hugged him tightly.

Hades was surprised but also moved, Hades then hugged Hestia back then everyone got in a group hug and hugged each other as the sun started to rise.