
The God of Thunder

Hestia and Poseidon were urging Zeus to wake up. Ephemeris then lunged at Hestia and Poseidon but then out of nowhere Kratos deflected his blows with his blades of chaos.

"Who are you?" Ephemeris asked. Kratos then started running at Ephemeris then Kratos slashed Ephemeris in the face.

"Please wake up boy" Archimedes said to Zeus. Kratos was in a clash with Ephemeris "I won't allow you to harm my friends" Kratos said. "Impudent fool" Ephemeris said.

Ephemeris then shot Kratos in the chest with a laser beam. Then suddenly a tentacle of water wrapped onto Ephemeris.

Kratos then looked at Poseidon. Kratos then started repeating slashing at Ephemeris while Poseidon was holding him still.

Ephemeris then used all his strength to break free. Ephemeris then quickly punched Kratos in the chest, knocking the wind out of his system.

Ephemeris then grabbed the blades of chaos and stabbed Kratos with it. "NO!" Poseidon said. Poseidon then created a giant wave of water that made full contact with Ephemeris.

Ephemeris however wasn't fazed. Ephemeris blasted Poseidon back with a powerful laser beam. Hestia tried using her magic but Ephemeris started to choke her.

Ephemeris was lifting her up by the neck. Archimedes was witnessing all this terror while still trying to wake Zeus up.

"This has been fun but, if the old man isn't going to give me the orb, there's no more point in me toying around with you all anymore" Ephemeris said.

"Don't you dare Ephemeris" Archimedes said. "This is your fault Archimedes" Ephemeris said. Suddenly Ephemeris created a catastrophic laser beam.

Ephemeris shot the laser beam at Zeus and Archimedes. The laser was too quick for neither Kratos or Poseidon to stop.

A huge explosion occurred but then Ephemeris started to hear sparks of lighting. Zeus has awoken and stopped the laser before it could hit them.

"What the hell" Ephemeris said. Zeus was surrounded by lighting and his eyes were glowing white.

Zeus then kicked Ephemeris in the spine with high speed. "How the hell is he doing this?" Ephemeris thought to himself.

Zeus then took the blade out of Kratos's back. "I've had enough of you people" Ephemeris said.

Ephemeris then jumped at Zeus and swung at him but Zeus blacked it resulting in an explosion. Zeus and Ephemeris were gliding in the air clashing with each other.

Zeus then started throwing multiple lighting bolts in one hand. The lighting bolts started created golden explosions.

Ephemeris then swung at Zeus but Zeus grabbed his arm and shattered it. Ephemeris yelled in pain then Zeus kicked him into the ground.

"The boy, what is he" Archimedes said "what happened to Zeus?" Hestia said. "How could a child be doing to be?" Ephemeris said.

Zeus then flew up into the sky and started using the clouds to summon a giant powerful lighting bolt. Suddenly the lighting bolt turned black due to the radiation Zeus was giving off.

Zeus then chucked the lighting bolt at Ephemeris with full velocity and strength. The lighting bolt struck Ephemeris creating an explosion.

The ground started to shake and and thousands of electrical sparks started to form around the explosion.

The explosion then stopped and the lighting bolt created a crater in the ground. Zeus then returned to his normal state and started falling from the sky.

Poseidon then caught him "what was that just now?" Poseidon asked "to be honest, I don't really know" Zeus said.

Suddenly Archimedes was holding a red orb "wait is that the orb he was talking about?" Zeus asked "yes" Archimedes said.

"Why was he obsessed with it so much?" Zeus asked "well because this is the orb that holds the power of Typhon" Archimedes said.

"What's a Typhon?" Zeus said "Typhon is the most powerful creature to roam the earth, he has the nickname Slayer of Gods, due to the amount of gods he's killed in his decades of his existence" Archimedes said.

"Wait so that orb holds all his power?" Zeus asked "no only a small part, you see over a thousand years ago the gods in that time managed to seal Typhon

But that didn't last long since he broke out of it the day after, but the seal actually left a sprinkle of Typhons power, which is why Ephemeris wanted to get his hands on it" Archimedes said.

"Oh, that's pretty cool" Zeus said "Zeus boy, you hold the power of something I can't even imagine, I can see you becoming one of the Olympian gods in the nearby future" Archimedes said.

"Really that's awesome" Zeus said. "Alright guys it's time to go" Poseidon said "at least we beat that guy" Kratos said "yeah" Hestia said.

They all returned back to the village.