"Currently, the world is dominated by five factions: Moroi, Ravenclaw, Vatican, Ender, and Zodiac.
I don't know much about the last two since they are active in the West, but here on our continent, it's dominated by Moroi and Ravenclaw, and they have butted heads many times.
The conflict was very bloody at the start, but it seems they made a deal for a compromise."
"How long has the compromise lasted? I've never heard of a bloody war like that before," Nerissa asked.
"It's been a long time before I was even born. I don't know the exact time, but it's not weird if you've never heard of it.
The government will surely erase it all.
Their influence spread everywhere internationally, news companies, government nothing is spared."
"I see. Continue about Ravenclaw, then.
You didn't seem surprised seeing I have some ability before; that means you have seen it before."