Chapter 7: Cultivation Should Be Relaxed and Moderate


这就像搭建一个乐高积木,将刻有图案的"骨头","关节"和"器官"连接起来,构建"强人"木偶的基本框架.然后他混合了各种颜色的粘稠灵液,将它们倒入了傀儡的核心中.粘稠的灵液从傀儡的核心溢出,仿佛激活了某种阵法,顺着雕刻的图案缓缓流向了'大力士'傀儡的四肢和身体.灵液凝固后,木偶架上的图案犹如人体的血管和经络,给死去的物体一种奇异的生命感...木偶框架完成!然后他填充了一些金属材料,这些材料在"骨架"的基础上充当"肌肉".填满后,躺在地上的'强人'傀儡已经完成了一半以上,看起来就像一个比李玄机高出两个头的魁梧男子.李玄机戴着燕书大师的面具,挥舞着袖子,祭坛上的蜡烛亮了起来...烛光昏暗,影子摇曳.当他结成手印,踩着岗阶,吟诵着话语时,躺在地上的'强人'傀儡也开始微微颤抖."天是圆的,地是方的,九章律令;我今天有一项法令,授予你一个身体...起来!!随着最后一手封印完成,伴随着李玄机轻哼一声,地上的'强人'傀儡一颤,直接用手撑起了身体!李玄机微微点了点头,然后找来一些剪下的皮革,布料,针线,为它缝制了最外层的'皮'.最后一针被剪掉后,'强人'傀儡已经变成了一个比李玄机还要高的魁梧男子."再走一步!"他深吸了一口气,拿起一把刷子和他刚刚从祭坛上准备好的灵液.灵液是墨水,毛笔是锋利的."不需要灵魂,不需要五脏;二对应,因果显现..."在画笔的轮廓和诡异的色调下,一个个诡异的彦树符号在光芒中出现,然后缓缓沉入'强人'傀儡的'皮肤'中.随着最后一个符号的消失,"强人"木偶的创作也结束了.李玄机喘着粗气,摘下了面具.见赵月华看着他,他羞涩地说:"温小姐,我没有辜负你!他拍了拍手,'强人'傀儡也朝着赵月华走去,乖乖地站在她面前,像是操场上等待检阅的士兵."不错."赵月华用神识上下打量着'强人'傀儡,也轻轻敲了敲它的身躯.以她的神识和眼光,她自然可以看出,这'强人'傀儡的实力,丝毫不逊色于炼气五层体修者..."它的核心是一块中品灵石..."李玄机拍了拍傀儡的后背机构,'强人'傀儡背上的榫卯结构也打开了,露出了一扇可以装灵石的小窗户."一块中品灵石,足够它运行数年了.如果进行高强度的战斗,会缩短灵石的使用时间.当它用完时,只需用另一个替换它.他顿了顿,继续说道:"当然,没有灵石驱动也没关系.彦术木偶也是一种特殊的法宝.如果使用者拥有丰富的法力,他们也可以使用自己的法力来驱动它."那方便..."赵月华微微点头,觉得自己当初的功法生疏,但制作傀儡的过程始终是稳健的,没有出现任何失误.就连她准备的材料都剩下了将近一半,所以她也打消了自己的疑虑."我会给你这个木偶和剩下的材料.我去准备材料.她想出去,但似乎想到了什么,在门口停了下来.她犹豫了一会儿,问道:"你确定两年后就能做成筑基傀儡吗?"…"Li Xuanji was a little dazed…He knew very well that the gap between the Qi Refining Second Layer and the Foundation Establishment was too big, too big. If he said he was sure he could make it, it would be too fake."Yanshu has many similarities with making puppets, except for the core.""But that's a Foundation Establishment puppet.""A Foundation Establishment puppet, ah, if it were only up to me, I guess I wouldn't be able to make it in this lifetime."Li Xuanji sighed, and then changed his tone and said, "The puppet you need is indeed complicated. Apart from the core made of tung wood, I can only participate in the design and assembly.For steps like carving formation patterns, mixing spirit liquid, and attaching Yanshu symbols, my cultivation is not enough, and I can't participate. I can only borrow your hand to carve, mix, and attach.If you trust me and are willing to help me, I have a 60% chance of making it in two years!""…"Zhao Yuehua was a little lost, murmuring, "Only 60% chance?"Li Xuanji nodded, and then seemed to think of something, his eyes moved and said, "In two years, if I can have the final say, and you do as I say, then there is an 80% chance…""80%?""Yes!""You have the final say, and I do as you say?""Yes!""So you mean…""The key is you…""The key is me…"Zhao Yuehua frowned and muttered, her face changing.Then she didn't know what decision she made, and she smiled with a slight smile, "Then I really have to wait and see."She said, and left without looking back, stepping on the flying magic weapon and disappearing into the night."Hu…"Li Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed this hurdle.He put his hands behind his back and watched the woman in the skirt disappear in the moonlight, his thoughts flying, and he almost thought of what to name his future child…"Heh, where there is a will, there is a way~"He muttered, and when he saw that there was not only a 'Strongman' puppet standing in the quiet room, but also more than one material left, his eyes brightened.Others Foundation Establishment cultivators might not care, but in his hands, they were treasures.Thinking of this, he closed the door of the quiet room and devoted himself to the process of making Yanshu puppets again…Practice makes perfect…With the experience of making the first 'Strongman' puppet, he didn't even need to draw the blueprint for the second time.In just a few days, he made another 'Strongman' puppet.Two 'Strongmen' stood behind him, not to mention the Qi Refining Fifth Layer combat power, just their towering figures made him feel more secure.Wonderful~Li Xuanji clapped his hands and laughed, put the two 'Strongman' puppets into the storage bag, and felt his thoughts clear and refreshed.He went out and glanced at the sky, which was getting dark.Thinking that cultivation should be relaxed and moderate, and thinking that the materials for the Foundation Establishment puppet were not as simple as the 'Strongman', and it was not something that could be collected in a day or two, he had plenty of time.He took a bath, changed his clothes, and went out.In front of Tengyun Pavilion.The lanterns were bright and festive, and the girls were chirping and laughing, either soliciting customers downstairs or joking with familiar people on the second floor.Suddenly, a plump girl seemed to find a familiar customer, her eyes rolled, and she swayed her waist like a willow in the wind and greeted him."Oh, my, Mr. Ji, you haven't been here for a long time. What kind of wind brought you here today?""It doesn't matter what kind of wind brought me here, what matters is that you blow well later~""What are you talking about, Mr. Ji~~""Hahahaha…"