39:The three magical words

Sebastian held his breath as his whole world officially breaks apart and crumbles in front of him. He felt like he'd been stabbed in the heart again and again by Monica's expensive heels. 

His eyes glued to the water fountain as the wetness begins to slide down his cheeks. He was in some kind of daze, staring blankly at the flowing water. 

Fragments of his childhood replayed in his head like a broken record. Constantly haunting his aching heart. Sixteen years had gone by, however, his wounds were yet to heal. 

Sebastian struggled to compose himself for the first time in ages. All the demons he'd buried in his head awakened and shook him badly. 

He mustered the courage to walk out of the house and sit under the moonlight. Letting the chilly breeze caress his skin under the twinkling lights of the stars. His heart squeezing in pain with memories of his childhood echoing in his mind, loudly. 

Every nerve and fibre in his body yearned for peace or a distraction. Anything to keep his mind occupied and give him temporary relief to the pain in his heart. 

"Can I join you," Aryanna walked up to him, bringing her body close to his. She worried over his mood and sudden silence. Sebastian was there for her with an extended shoulder for her to lean on when she needed him, she desired to play the same role for him. 

Her words fell on deaf ears. Sebastian was too engrossed in his thoughts to hear her. Her voice sounding hundreds of miles from where he sat. 

Aryanna touched his hand lightly. "I'm worried, Seb. Will you please talk to me? What's wrong, dear?" 

Sebastian snapped out of his daze. He rubbed his eyes with his right hand, clearing the tears from his eyelashes, he released a heavy breath.

"What did you mean by your 'i'm damaged' comment?" she asked. 

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and gave silence as a response to her question. He didn't trust his voice not to betray the feelings in his heart. And the last thing he needed was Aryanna learning how broken he was. As her husband, it was his job to be strong for her and help her find her footing in the world. Sebastian couldn't let her see him fall apart. 

He stood up to walk away, but Aryanna grabbed hold of his arm. She stopped him and pulled him back to sit down at his previous spot. She plopped down next to him, her eyes narrowed at Sebastian's face, she fought the urge to question him. 

Aryanna embraced him in the silence of the night. Holding him tightly as though he might disappear if she let go or held onto him loosely. She poured all the warmth in her body into the hug. Wishing to warm Sebastian's world up with her affection. 

"I'll hold you untill you feel better. We don't have to talk, I'm okay just being here for you."

The next three hours was spent in a pregnant silence. Sebastian made no move to initiate a conversation with Aryanna, while she sat still with her arms enclosed lovingly around his large frame. 

Aryanna noticed how his muscles flexed every time he adjusted his position. His every movement didn't escape her notice, she watched him like a hawk. Hoping to catch the slightest gesture from him. 

It seemed someone had pressed Sebastian's mute button. His lips remained sealed all through the hours of the night. 

Aryanna had no clue how they ended up in their bedroom or what plagued her husband's mind. One moment he was fine, immensed in his work, and the next he was falling into a silent oblivion with his eyes wide open. 

She brought a small basin of warm water over to the bed. With a damp towel, she wiped his body clean, getting ready for bed. Aryanna carefully undid his shirt and helped him undress. She pressed all the water from the towel and wiped his torso clean. 

A hum escaped her lips as she went on with her wifely duties. She hummed the song that played at their wedding, it's beautiful melodies reminding her of the radiant day. The memory had her smiling from ear to ear. Her smile dazzled Sebastian, giving him the distraction he so badly desired. 

He slowly cast his gaze onto his gorgeous wife. Taking note of her refined features that glistened softly under the dim lights of the nightlight. Sebastian blinked his eyes uncontrollably, the sight of his wife humming their song while flashily beaming with joy had his heart doing flips in his chest. 

Sebastian's own demons lay to rest as sweet, bewitching thoughts of his wife flooded his system. Aryanna's angelic voice captivated his ears, forcing him to close his eyes and listen to her hum. He rested back on the pillows beneath his head and enjoyed the peace she brought him. 

Aryanna continued her humming, oblivious to the reaction her husband was having to her actions. She got lost in the beauty of her wedding day flashbacks to notice the change in Sebastian's ambiance. 

Her clear glass skin glowed radiantly, it fulfilled her to perform her duties as his wife. Taking care of him in ways she always imagined doing for her 'one true love'.

She hummed to the song to the end. By then, Sebastian was all cleaned up and ready for bed. Aryanna smiled feeling victorious for completing the task. She snapped her head up to catch him staring at her. 

Had she not been there Sebastian would've gone into his cocoon phase and closed himself off from the world. Anything it took to get his past out of his head and to keep him from interacting with people. 

"Can you hum another song for me?" he requested.

Aryanna happily obliged to his request and found one of her favorite songs. She not only hummed it's tune but got to her feet and started dancing to the beat. Giving Sebastian a private show in their bedroom. Sebastian gave off a goofy smile, watching her move carefree to the song, he desired the light he saw in her eyes. 

Her long thick dusky black hair bounced lazily on her shoulders with her movements. Aryanna felt beautiful under Sebastian's intense gaze. She felt like the moon, with Sebastian looking up at her, sucking in her fragrance, innocence, beauty and her charms. 

"Can I stay in this moment forever?" asked Sebastian. 

"If I could freeze time I'd grant your wish, hubby. Sadly, I'm not a genie, I can't grant wishes either," Aryanna dejectedly replied. "But there's is one wish within my capabilities," she added.

"Which is?"

"Your long term wish of coming home to a peaceful, happy and loving family. I'll try my best to be a good wife to you, so you always have a reason to come home," she vowed. Her true meaning being, she wanted to become his peace, his happiness and his home. As her mother-in-law once declared. 

"What did I do in my past life to get a good wife like you?" 

"You must've saved the world from doom," Aryanna mimicked him as she responded. Sebastian chuckled, he pulled her into his arms and cuddled her. "I love you, Aryanna," he confessed heartily. 

The three magical words flowed out of his lips flawlessly, his tongue laced with honey as they sounded way too sweet in Aryanna's ear. However, Aryanna couldn't say the words back to him.