45:The three magical words (7)

"I know deep down the feeling is slowly growing into love. It's a little scary, do you like me, Jasmine?"

Her eyes shot awake as she felt a hand brush over his hair. Jasmine resisted the urge to peer her eyes to the culprit. Her heartbeat pulsated loudly against her chest.

Time seemed to be still as her body reacted to the hand on her hair. It gave her a whirling sensation. 

"Won't you look at me, baby?" Ander's sweet melodic male voice sounded right beside her.

Jasmine felt her pulse race. Her breath came fast, she subconsciously bit her lower lip and held back a response. 

The intimate way Ander called out to her made her heart miss a few beats. Her eyes softened and a smile crept on her face. Her cheeks turned rosy as a blush forced it's way to her slightly chubby cheeks. 

Jasmine was floating in the clouds with bliss. One simple sentence changed her temperament within a span of a moment. 

A chill ran down her spin. Electric shivers travelling through her body from her nerve endings. 

"Shouldn't you join Jacob in his shopping?" Jasmine coldly spoke. Words that tore her heart apart as he spoke them. It was a bitter truth, one that she couldn't resist no matter how hard she tried, Ander always preferred anything that led away from her. He hated spending time with her and she knew it. "Or call Abigail up and see if she wants to meet up with you."

The person that owned her heart belonged to another. He was on the side always looking in, feeling left out and lonely. 

To make it worse, being the third party in the affair, every first he has with Ander, the male's already has it with his girlfriend. Nothing was ever truly hers with him. 

"I'd rather have this moment with..."

"Save your sweet lines for your girl friend!" Jasmine snapped. She snapped her head and shot a quick glance at Ander. 

Jasmine's eyes caught a glimpse of Ander up close; the mesmerizing sight made her forget all the words she wanted to say. She failed to muster the courage to shut him down and hurt him. 

She stared blankly at Ander like a fool. No thought could form in her mind, she was stunned by how Ander managed to look even better each time she saw him. It puzzled her mind. 

"Jasmine," Ander called out. 

Her name sounded so good when Ander called out to her. She wished Ander would call out to her all the time, as Ander made her name sound like a beautiful melody. 

Everything the fellow did affected her. Forever was written in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, his sweet lips spoke the sweetest sweet nothings that made Jasmine's heart flutter from dawn till dusk. 

Perhaps it was in the way he called out her name. Jasmine couldn't pinpoint what it was of the boy that made him stand out more. His looks, his talents, his voice or maybe his thoughts. Ander had so much good qualities that it should be illegal. 

"Jasmine,?" Ander snapped his fingers to wake her from his daze. 

"This is why I don't like staring at you. I can't argue with you or even remember why I was mad at you," Jasmine complained. 

Ander bridged the gap between them in one swift step. His move forced Jasmine to draw a sharp breath.

Standing next to each other with Ander's hot breath tickling her skin whilst their lips ghosting over each other was a sight out of a fairytale. 

Jasmine swallowed greedily. Steamy thoughts taking form in her mind. Her eyes focusing on Ander's hot rosy lips that was inches away from hers. 

Her mind thought of a hundred places that those lips would leave marks on her body. Her deepest darkest desires awakened in a matter of seconds. 

She licked his lips and swallowed hard the lump in his throat. Her palms growing sweaty at her panicked heart. 

"You don't like looking at me?" Ander pouted. 

Jasmine locked eyes with him. It was hard to answer when their bodies were so close to each other. 

Electric tingles travelled through her nerve endings and generated heat in her body. "I want you," words flowed from his lips, uncensored. 

She snapped out of her trance and covered her lips with her right hand. When her mind processed the words she let out, she lowered her head and cast her gaze on the ground. Ander affected her in ways that were beyond her understanding.

Ander cracked up, the sound of his laughter filled the room, easing Jasmine's nerves, her eyes softened. She snapped up in time to catch the light of the sun falling magnificently at Ander, his white teeth glistening as he laughed heartily. 

The scene was breathtaking. Jasmine didn't have the strength to look away. Mesmerized by the simple sight of boy laughing in front of her. However, Ander wasn't just any boy, he was the embodiment of envy and desire of all the students in school. 

The students of Lavena high were ready to ruin themselves in a thousand little pieces, for him. 

"I don't have to call Abigail or join Jacob. I want this moment with you," He confessed, knowing she's going to die soon, gave him courage to speak up on things he'd mostly swallow and ignore on normal days. "Abbie is a friend but you...you are..."

"The girl who isn't peaceful," Jasmine cut in, refusing to let him finish. "But I'm too icy to relate to, but I'm unlovable. I get it, there's always going to be a 'but'."

"I was going to say, 'I like you, but ten years down the line when I wake up with you next to me and the sunlight streaming down your face, I'll love you even more," he admitted, studying the emotions buried underneath her layers come flooding to the surface. 

Tears welled up in Jasmine's eyes; Ander dreamt of waking up next to her for ten years when she had less than a year left of her lifespan. His heartfelt confession though sweet, broke at the pieces of her. Making her conscious of death that was pounding at her doorstep. 

"I'm tired, I'll find Henifer and go home," she quickly excused herself. 

Jasmine hurried to the counter and paid for the jewelry and dashed out of the store, leaving Ander to carry the shopping bags. She made a quick turn in the first hallways and halted against the wall. 

She buried her face in her hands and burst into a silent cry. She took out her handkerchief to wipe her tears, only to be met by the sight of her blood staining it. Another undeniable reminder that her time on earth was limited. 

Ander sneaked a peek at her, feeling a pang in his chest, watching her fall apart was breaking him. "I'll fight to keep you here with me, Jasmine."