Anxious Friends

"Soon, sweetie. I will divorce her in a couple of weeks."

Brian paused briefly as though he was thinking about something. His eyes darkened as the thought of Lola cheating on him crossed his mind again.

"When I have gotten the 1.4 million dollars from her and every other money in her account, I will divorce her sorry ass."

"And then..." Brian's lady friend smacked her lips seductively. She was happy to see the look in his eyes as he spoke of his once adorable wife.

"I will make our relationship official." Brian declared. No more hiding in the dark.

"That's music to my ears." Brian's lady friend sang happily.

"Now, do I get more honey?" Brian brushed his lips against her nipples causing her to moan out loud.

"Yes, baby."

The two loved birds hungrily dived into another intense lovemaking, moaning and cursing out loud.