Anxious Father

Lola was stunned and slightly terrified to meet the displeased and intimidatingly domineering gaze of a handsome mature man with neatly trimmed grey hair.

He was cladded in an elegant and well-tailored customized three-piece black suit and a distinctive golden Rolex wristwatch adorned his wrist. He had transparent reading glasses hanging down the bridge of his nose as he keenly assessed Lola from head to toe.

Lola observed the striking resemblance between the CEO and this mature man. She could swear that the CEO was a younger version of this man. She concluded that the grey-haired man had to be Richmond's father or uncle.

'Wow! Handsomeness must be a unique trait in their family.' Lola thought to herself as she ransacked her brain for what to say.

"G....good morning, Sir." Lola forced a smile on her face as the old man kept glaring at her like some sort of intruder.