Chelsea's Story

"'s nothing." Chelsea waved her right hand dismissively, even though she had baited the three curious friends with her sly gimmicks. She beckoned to a nearby male waiter and requested a bottle of non-alcoholic wine.

"That look on your face, doesn't mean nothing." Sari pointed out. "If I didn't know better I'll say something is bothering you."

Chelsea shrugged while saying she was


"Callisto, I know we just met but you can trust us to keep whatever we discuss at this table secret. Remember, a problem shared is half solved." Corey said calmly.

"Well... I never really intended to get pregnant from the onset. It just happened and I'm suddenly thrown into the confusing world of morning sickness, food cravings and scary mood swings." Chelsea hissed, sincerely pissed by her pregnancy.

"So sorry, dear." Sari empathized.

"Tell me about it." Corey shook her head in sympathy. "It's the spitting path that annoys me."