The offer

Lola was slightly taken aback by Richmond's reply. She didn't remember mentioning her encounter back at home to anyone, not even Jamal or Maureen. So, how did the CEO find out?

As if he could read her mind and guess her question, Richmond said, "Patrick, told me everything about your unwelcomed visitor and the reason why you will be running late."

"He did!" Lola exhaled, heaving a sign of relief. She wished Patrick was here so that she could give him a squishy hug and tell him thank you.

"Yes," Richmond replied calmly. "I will address that topic later on after this meeting is over. In the meantime, I've been informed that you have a presentation for me. Are you composed enough to enlighten us or would you prefer I move your presentation to another day?"

"Today is fine, sir. I feel much better." Lola said reassuringly.