Anticipation Meets Shock

Lola picked up the television remote on her table and turned on the wall-mounted television in her office. She tuned the channel to the particular station Jamal was referring to.

"Have you seen it?" Jamal asked.

"Yes... I'm looking at it." Lola slightly increased the volume to hear what what Ian was saying.

"I can see your house on the television."

"Yes...I know!" Lola's chilly gaze deepened. "It is the interview the lunatic granted close to my house yesterday evening. The nerves!"

"Wow! This man really has no shame. Are you aware the fool is making plans to marry you?" Jamal asked teasingly.

"It can only happen in his dream. That is if I don't strangle him first," Lola sneered. In her piqued state, she felt like sending Ian mails of a dozen slaps."