
No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his rage. This rage is like a flame, blazing up and consuming one's self-control, making them think, say and do things they will probably regret later.

If looks could kill, Lola would be would have been vaporized from the face of the Earth by the two women currently scowling at her shameless behavior.

On one hand, Nancy was filled with disgust and a hint of jealousy on behalf of her son. While on the other, Carol's inflamed eyes were filled with crippling spite and rage.

Carol couldn't believe that Richmond would dare disrespect her publicly for the sake of a disgraced pregnant woman. This time around, it was her turn to get wild and she was out to destroy Lola for shamelessly throwing herself into Richmond's arms.

"Get your vile claws off my son, you wayward harlot!" Carol roared, rushing over to her son, with the plans of shredding Lola with her nails.