A Worrisome Feast.

Only an insane man with a death wish in his heart would ever dream to challenge a wounded lion. Yet, Pa Ladi and his delegates foolishly allowed themselves to be swayed by deceptive tongues and evil hearts.

"Who is this brave and powerful leader that you so boldly speak of?" King Xavier demanded in an awkwardly calm but calculating tone.

Tension rose amongst the delegates as they began to shuffle their feet while staring blankly at one another. They had successfully stated their mission and had no intention of further aggravating the old king by speculating a name. Moreover, they hadn't crossed that bridge yet.

According to the right of passage, if a royal family fails to produce a worthy leader, a lot would be cast amongst the noble families next in line for the throne. This will be accompanied by a fierce duel to the death, amongst the opposing contestants. Whoever wins will succeed the outgoing king.