Judgement Day

The sound of blasting trumpets and beating drums announced the arrival of King Xavier and his long entourage of royalty, allies and friends.

Amongst this entourage of royalty were the king and crown princess of the Darkush empire, the king of Thur and his family, emissaries from some eastern kingdoms, who got wind of the daring attacks and powerful friends of the Yarkush empire.

King Xavier also ordered for the rest of the royal family, who were not in critical condition to be escorted to the arena. He wanted all of them to witness first-hand the consequences of greed, betrayal and treason.

Everyone seated in the heavily fortified arena, rose to their feet in honour of the king, as he made his way to the elevated platform.

The air was tense due to the presence of the Darkush army and the rumours of the presumed traitors. No one knew exactly who had been captured or who would be tried for treason. But names were speculated and rumors began to spread.