Chapter 30 - Z(Part 3)

I immediately sprang back and pulled the trigger of my gun as he chanted, but it was too late, as dozens of Zombies suddenly appeared all around me, including right in front of me, my bullet hitting one of the Zombies through the throat, having no real effect as the crowd of Zombies smothered the flames around the area.


Fucking hell, there's gotta be over fifty of the damned things around me. Stay calm, don't panic...I need to buy myself some time to think up a way to get out of this...

"Why are you doing this? You killed everyone in town, didn't you? Why?" I inquired, betting on the hope that he'd be willing to talk before siccing his Zombies on me, in an effort to buy myself some time.

"He's a Necromancer, alright, just appraised him and confirmed it," Arkiela informed me.

Yeah, no shit. Stupid bitch.