Chapter 68 - Jebel Mountain(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Aura Lunabell


"I...I don't get it! There's gotta be a better way to explain it, help me understand!" I exclaimed in frustration, as I flopped onto the ground with a weary groan.

"I'm not sure what to say, I've explained it as best I can. I'll try to be as clear as know how Mana usually feels like a slow whoosh? Focus on that and make it go ba-bang! Got it?" Responded Estella, as she walked over.


" I don't. I don't get it!"

Today's the 10th of December, 1031, a little over two weeks have passed since Jade left to train in Jebel Mountain. I've been training hard with Estella since then, haven't really seen or heard from Arkiela at all, but I'm not complaining about that.