Chapter 72 - Sentis Roseus(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Sentis Roseus


It''s all my fault. I-I...I have no one to blame but myself.

D-damn it...damn it, fuck you, you goddamn fool! All you had to do was just stay home! If you'd only stayed home, th-this...this never would have happened in the first place!

I clenched my fists as I walked down the stairs, burning with fury as my footsteps echoed out through the empty house, my sorrow and anguish fading away as an immense murderous rage took over., it's their fault, not mine. They chose to do this. They wanted to do it. No one forced them to do it, no one tricked them into doing, they knew exactly what they were doing, they knew how horrible it was, and they did it anyway, with no remorse or guilt.

They took pleasure in it, they went out of their way to do this for their own sick satisfaction.