Chapter 78 - The Order of the Black Rose: Postlude(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Estella Ainsworth


"[Plasma Spear]!"

"[Sonic Boom]!"

I unleashed a massive eruption of flames behind me as I flew away, my ears ringing and my body badly bruised and battered, my teeth tightly gritted as I did my best to keep myself oriented...they're absolutely relentless, my regeneration can barely keep up.

This is really bad, I can only maintain my Mystic Transcension for about another half a minute or so, at most. This is a right bloody pickle I've found myself in.

My stamina is running rather low as well, the speed of my regeneration is slowly but steadily slowing down the longer this battle goes on for.

My eyes then widened in alarm as Alistair appeared in front of me and slammed his foot onto my stomach, dispersing some of the flames enveloping that spot and sending me flying back as I unleashed a powerful blast of flames towards him.