Chapter 84 - Self-Interests

"It's good to see you, Jaedfern, it's been a bit of a while since I last saw you. Please, have a seat," Remarked Consillia, as I entered her study.

"This better be important...I did tell you that I was taking an indefinite break from any action, didn't I?" I replied with a slight frown, as I plopped down onto the chair in front of her desk.

"Yes, I remember...and for what it's worth, I did refrain from contacting you about any of the issues here in the Capital, not to mention the rest of the nation. But I assure you, this is very important, and I'm sure you'll agree once you hear what I have to say," She responded with a serious look on her face.

Today's the 4th of February, 1032, it's been a little over six weeks since the battle in Centralis now. Yesterday, I received a letter from Consillia, insisting that I come meet her in the Capital for some important matter.