Chapter 111 - Swapped(Part 3)

"Oh, no, you don't," Frowned Aura, grabbing my right arm.

"Yes, you are absolutely not doing that," Added Estella indignantly, as she grabbed my left arm, the two of them pulling me back.

Aw, come on...

"What's the big deal? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, the same goes for you, Aura...I mean, aren't you curious to see what the male orgasm feels like?" I pointed out.

"I mean...yeah, I am, and I'll probably try it out before we revert back to our original bodies, so long as you're okay with it. And for the record, if you had ended up in my body, I wouldn't have had any objections. But you're not allowed to play with Ella's body, and even if she was okay with it, I most certainly wouldn't be," Huffed Aura in response.

"I mean...technically speaking, it's my body right now, but I see your point. Fine, I won't do it," I sighed in disappointment, my shoulders slumping as I walked over to my room and flopped onto the bed.