Chapter 120 - Nice While it Lasted

"I mean, it's different in this world, but in my previous world, was okay to be racist towards white people," I remarked with a shrug.

"Hey, I'm all for racism...illogical, baseless prejudice is great, it's so stupid and not at all productive, but then, that sums up you mortals pretty well. But what's your beef with white people? I didn't know that about you," Responded Arkiela in fascination.

"I didn't say I had beef with them, I certainly wouldn't say I was prejudiced against white people, that's not what I meant. All I was saying was, that while I do find racism disgusting, and killed a good number of racists during my time as a mercenary, I don't think racism was so bad when aimed at white people. Like I said, that only really applies to my previous world though, since prejudice based on skin color isn't really an issue in this world, or at least not here on Acheron Island," I pointed out.