Chapter 132 - Pandemonium vs Septen(Part 2)

I sprang back as a Demon sent a slashing wave of wind shooting towards from my left, evading it before leaping up as a wave of earth spikes came barreling towards me.

I manifested a Phantom Copy of my grappling hook and firing it at the roof of a nearby building, pulling myself towards it as the anchor wedged into the concrete and I pulled the trigger to retract the wire.

I then swiftly manifested a Phantom Copy of my revolver and fired out a couple of bullets as one of the Demons came flying up towards me, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from her as my bullets struck her chest, drawing out trickles of blood as they got lodged into her flesh.

I fired another bullet at her as I reached the roof and grabbed onto the edge, she quickly raised her hands in front of herself and formed a transparent wall in front of her, but she was too slow to react, my bullet hitting her left shoulder and eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from her.