Chapter 147 - Return to Meridion(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Livia Vive


"Take this, now die!" Exclaimed the Demon I was fighting against, plunging a jagged, rocky blade made of Earth Magic into the middle of my chest and pinning me against a wall, as I let out a sharp, agonized gasp of pain as he gave the blade a sharp twist.

I managed to turn my body across to the left just in time to avoid his blade piercing my heart, but this really hurts, damn it...

"D-don't think you've won just yet...," I muttered through gritted teeth with a pained grimace, grabbing his blade with my left hand, wincing slightly as it cut into my palm, before I shakily reached out with my right hand towards his chest.

"What a pitiful struggle, lass. Accept your defeat and-...," He began with a scoff.

"[Mystic Transcension: Anti-Healer]!" I exclaimed the instant my fingertips reached his chest, my fists glowing with a dark light.