Chapter 161 - The Berserker(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Jusia Praes


"Any sign of him?" I inquired, as a couple of my Knights approached me.

"No, Commander, nothing yet. We've combed through about half the city along with the Adventurers, but no luck so far."

"I see...well, keep searching, leave no stone unturned, we have to-...," I began, before trailing out as yells of pain rang out in the distance, followed by a bone-chilling roar from the same direction.

I immediately took off that way at top speed, grimacing as another scream of pain echoed out. Damn it, I need to hurry...

As I turned the corner around a building, my eyes widened as a mangled body came flying out of an alley, skidding along the street and coming to a screeching halt as streaks of blood sprayed out across the air, bone shards poking out through the skin of the wrecked, bloodied body.