Chapter 174 - The Praedo Marauders(Part 5)

"There we go, that should keep you nice and still. Now, then, tell do you use this thing? It's some kind of communication device, isn't it? You've got the same one, except smaller, in your ear too," I remarked as I reached over and pulled the device out of the pirate's ear.

About twenty minutes or so had passed since I took down that Titan guy. After I killed him, I continued roaming around, and got lucky to come across one of the other pirates, an Elf guy.

I sniped him and shot him through the spine to incapacitate him, before swooping in before he could use one of those pills to heal himself, slapped a pair of Mana-blocking shackles onto his wrists and then pinned his limbs to the ground with daggers through the shoulders and ankles, with his wrists cuffed behind his back.

"G-go to hell, you bastard...!" He growled defiantly, before gasping sharply in pain as I drew out another dagger from my Item Box and pushed the blade into his left eye.