Chapter 180 - The Outside World

"Oh, sweet, another pair," Grinned Aura, as she tossed a couple of cards onto the pile.

"Just one more pair and you win...well, I guess I can live with that, so long as Arkiela doesn't win," I replied with a wry smile.

"Grr, fuck off, you stupid shithead..."

A few days have passed since the incident in Centralis, today's the 19th of October, 1039, and I was back home in Septen, playing a game of Joker with Aura and Arkiela. We left Centralis the day before yesterday, a couple of days after the battle ended.

Once all the pirates had been taken down, the other nations were promptly alerted to what had happened, and each nation sent representatives to take part in the interrogation of the survivors.

Jusia had been sent from Septen, and Lazvis was chosen to represent Orien since he was already in Centralis and apparently helped take down one of the pirates too.