Chapter 210 - The Evolved Criticals(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Kalico Snare


"Okay, I think that's everything I needed to get. I should head back to Septen now, don't want to run into any of my relatives," I muttered to myself, looking around before starting to make my way towards the nearest teleportation facility.

Things have been nice and peaceful lately, after months of seemingly neverending hard work of eliminating mutated Monsters, so earlier today, I decided to come to Occiden to do a bit of shopping.

I haven't been here in a really long time, and the idea of revisiting the place wasn't the most appealing, but there are some goods in Occiden that aren't available in Septen, so I reluctantly made the trip here to Anima City, the Capital of Occiden.

It has a great shopping district, second only to the many markets in Centralis. I really want to roam around a bit more and look for any new goods and items that are for sale and would catch my interest.