Chapter 221 - I Will Not Be Questioned

Point-of-View: Indis Occisor


"And there they were, completely and utterly at my mercy, and then...I just left, leaving them to ruminate in their helplessness and failure, wondering what they could've done differently, but alas, no matter how they slice it, they reach the same conclusion. The conclusion that, whatever they might have tried, the result would have been the same," I laughed as I recapped my fight to the evolved Criticals.

That was so much fun, and I bet it'll be even more fun when they come to attack this place...I can hardly wait! Hm, maybe I should have given them a shorter deadline, a whole month is kind of a long wait. Nah, it's fine, this'll help build anticipation, making it more satisfying when the time finally comes.

"I don't understand why you didn't just kill them, wouldn't that have made the rest even more afraid?" Spoke up Tara II, the replacement Araneae to the one who had been killed in Septen.