Chapter 226 - The Chaos Bringer's Lair(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Estella Ainsworth


"Er, are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, it seems a bit risky."

"Wont it be too much for you to handle?"

"No, I believe I can do it. And, well, if I'm being would only get in my way. I've yet to get fully accustomed to my new power, I won't be able to hold back too much, and I'd rather not injure any of my allies, or worse. So, yes...I shall go on ahead, the rest of you deal with the Monsters before you, as well as any Monsters I fail to eliminate. In return, I shall deal with the more powerful threats, the evolved Critical Level Monsters and the Chaos Bringer himself. Now, then, stand back," I remarked, immense heat forming around me as I stepped forward, the air surrounding me shimmering violently as I spread out my wings and narrowed my eyes at the tunnel entrance before me.