Chapter 230 - The Chaos Bringer's Lair(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Jusia Praes


Livia shot towards the Monster, ducking as it swung its right arm at her, the jaws at the end of its arm snapping at her head as she narrowly evaded it before grabbing the middle of its right arm, the Monster letting out a roar of pain as she used her Anti-Healing on it.

She then gasped in pain as the jaws on its other arm snapped onto her shoulder, a shudder of pain erupting across her body as it sunk its fangs in, before I shot forward as the Princess unleashed a blast of flames towards the Monster's left side, which it evaded right as I closed in and slashed my blade at its left arm, forcing it to let Livia go before I grabbed her arm and quickly backed away, as a barrage of fireballs came shooting towards the Monster from behind us, keeping it at bay.