Chapter 233 - The Chaos Bringer's Lair(Part 9)

Point-of-View: Selphie Faelee


"I see you replaced the arm I took...but if you think some measly chains will be enough to defeat me, you're sorely mistaken," Smirked Medusa, as I unleashed my Mystic Transcension and shot towards her.

I fired out a icy burst of cold, freezing air at her as I began to close in, she rapidly slithered across in response, firing out a barrage of petrifying beams from the eyes of the snakes growing out of her head.

I quickly raised a wall of ice to block the incoming beams, before I fired off a volley of ice needles towards her.

She swiftly slithered across to evade them, before I turned around and sent my chain zipping out towards her with immense speed as I formed several curved ice spikes along each chain link.