Chapter 240 - Arkiela

Point-of-View: Arkiela


"Come on, is running away all you can do!? I didn't come here to play a game of fucking tag with a deluded mortal!" I exclaimed as I chased after the Chaos Bringer, unleashing a barrage of explosive blasts at him.

He managed to evade a few of them, but in his effort to keep away from me, most of his focus was on staying on the move at top speed. Several chunks of his body vanished as my blasts tore through him, before he extended out several hands from his back and fired out a volley of Elemental attacks at me.

But it was pointless, my Destruction Magic wiped out his attacks before shooting forward, wiping out his sides before I fired out several rapid beams of destruction, which drilled through his body, my eyes widening slightly as I spotted a glimmer in the left side of his stomach as one of my beams tore through that spot...that's his Core, I need to destroy it!