Alright, this next one will be the last one...this was a bit earlier on after I became a mercenary, it was a job to steal a valuable painting from a crime syndicate.
My client was a rival syndicate, and the pay I was offered was pretty massive, so I accepted. In hindsight, that was probably a job I shouldn't have taken, it was way too risky.
But I didn't really have much regard for my own life back then, so I barely gave it a second thought before accepting the job.
Apparently, the two syndicates used to be one before they split in two following a violent internal conflict, and that painting belonged to the founder of the original syndicate, so it held a lot of value to the members.
The leader of the syndicate that had hired me was a descendant of the founder and felt that he was entitled to the painting, so decided to steal it from the rival syndicate.