Already knowing Snape or someone was after the philosopher's stone, Harry divulged into his mind a battle for whom to trust.
Tell the professors?
A professor himself was trying to steal the stone- whom to trust then?
Dumbledore was a good idea- after all, he was the one Nicolas Flamel had trusted with the stone.
But his nightly escapades were not unwarranted. He needed-
Harry runs from the room, breathing heavily. He exits into the hall, where Mrs. Norris, who meows and begins to follow him. Harry runs around a corner, just as Snape and Quirrell appear. Snape pushes Quirrell into the wall.
"I-I thought..."
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell."
"I don't know w-what you m-mean."
"You know perfectly well what I mean." Snape senses something that causes Harry to stop breathing. Snape reaches out to grab something but doesn't. He whips his finger back in front of Quirrell's face.
"We'll have another chat soon when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Filch arrives, carrying the broken lantern.
"Oh, Professors. I found this in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed."
Harry tightened his hold over the invisible cloak, Upon hearing Filch, Snape and Quirrell dart off.
'Loyalties? Either Professor Quirells or Snape is acting for someone.'
A door opens and then it closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the centre known as the Mirror of Erised. Harry appears and walks over to the mirror. In the reflection, he sees two people appear who are Harry's late parents, James and Lily Potter.
By pure coincidence or intricate planning, Harry had crossed with the Mirror to Erised.
"Mum?" Lily nods and smiles. "Dad?" James nods and smiles. Harry reaches out to touch them but only gets the mirror. Then, his mother puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on his own shoulders as if trying to feel her there.
This was the time when Fate's diary spoke of Harry bringing Ron to see the mirror, before visiting it again where Dumbledore was to be and explaining the Mirror.
But perchance, it was Eren who was on his way to leaving Hogwarts to visit the mirror a last time before meeting Aberforth.
"What are you doing here Mr. Potter? This is way past your curfew" Harry had been distancing the Librarian for quite some time, after the whole troll incident where he had blamed his injuries of Yeager on himself by not listening to him and being baggage in the fight.
"Sir there-"
"reflection of something you want by any means?" Harry looked back into the mirror and then nodded.
"Dumbledore left this artefact here for reasons I know not, but it is not an artefact you should see. It is a cursed object."
"It is Dark Artefact?"
"Dark? I did not know Hogwarts indoctrinated children in the name of education."
"Dark is just the absence of light, it is synonymous with nothingness. How can nothing harm you? No. People tend to flock to the light, leaving shadows beside themselves. In those shadows emerge either the most disciplined or the most deformed of minds- But this here- is not a Dark Artefact, it is a cursed one.
It shows what your heart's desires, the unattainable in most cases. Dumbledore told me Men had gone mad when they let their reflection control them."
Harry nodded silently as he tried to see his reflection again, only to find a normal reflection for just a second before Eren pulled him outside.
"You will serve detention for breaking curfew with Mr Filch for two days, and Gryffindor will lose ten points." Harry was surprised that the first time Eren had used the house point was to take points away from him. Students were betting tens of galleons for this!
He walked to his room silently, before making a plan to bet
It was half past nine in the night when Eren had floo-ed to the snowy Diagon Alley.
He walked past the Ollivanders, Gringotts, the small shop in the corner and then stopped at the bookshop.
Inside was a man much like Albus Pervical Brian Wulfric Dumbledore, just he was in fact not Albus Pervical Brian Wulfric Dumbledore.
The nervous man reading the book was Lord Aberforth Franklin Benjamin Wilfred Dumbledore.
"Yes?" Aberforth looked at Eren with hopeful eyes, after waiting for the whole day his determination had started to waver, but not enough to leave without a change in date.
He looked at Eren from head to toe. His missing eye, his missing hand, the prosthetic leg instead of a real one, his cane and everything to the gaze in his eyes.
The man had little Dumbledore charm, not looking anything like he had expected, but Aberforth was still hopeful.
"Are you comfortable with portkey?"
"Are you-"
"I am. Give me your oath and we will proceed with our travels."
Aberforth thought for a while, the man before him had taken a risk for believing him to comply with his previous deal, his identity he had been hiding was already in jeopardy. But Aberforth stooped the line of thought and brought his wand to his head.
"Your name?"
"Eren Yeager."
'Yeager? Was this a German maiden name or-NO STOP ABERFORTH'
"I Aberforth Dumbledore swear to uphold any and all secrets, of Eren Yeager" He looks at Eren "If he is to have my blood or of my sibling's" Aberforth said and his wand lit up white, conditioning his oath to include the possibility of the kid's origin traced back to Albus.
"Good we can go now."
"Your oath- to not have harmful intention towards me if you are not of my blood."
"What makes you think I won't harm you if you are my family?"
"Kinslaying is a sin recognised by magic itself, stranger."
"I Eren Carla Yeager, swear to pose no harmful intentions towards Aberforth or the Dumbledores if he is not of my blood. So mote it be." Eren's wand glowed yellow as his oath was said.
"My mother's name. Now let us go." Te both disappeared from the place with a wheezing sound, to find themselves in a place where the sun was rising.