Back to the Mundane Life?

The plan that Elaina and Adelaide made to make the mermaid a bit less wary until Adelaide can fully translate and practice her words and communicate with the mermaid without difficulty is a huge success. Thanks to the food Elaina made which is just a simple dish that was buffed thanks to the prerequisites of the blessing to activate, has enhanced the food a lot along with its flavor and quality. No matter how bad Elaina cooked it, it will still taste good, except that Elaina made sure to make it good.

In just a few minutes after they gave her the food, she devoured the food like nothing and even ate the bones which Elaina was shocked to find out but didn't really say anything afterwards. Once the mermaid realize her plate is empty, she started gesturing and pointing on her plate. She even made some weird sounds that they still couldn't understand which was then translated by Arthur.

"She said food is tasty. Want more of it."