Goodbye Spring, Hello Summer [II]

For many people, there is a huge number of people who are always excited for the Summer Season to arrive. One, people who loves to swim. Since Summer is the perfect time for swimming and since it was also the best time to swim without getting attacked by any nasty fishes that are usually more active in other seasons.

Two, the change of scenery and atmosphere. Since Summer is hot, many people would start wearing loose clothes, which in turn would allow these people to show off their bodies naturally. This is also the best time some young people are waiting for just to flaunt around their figure.

Three and might be the most obvious reason, the summer delicacies. Since some things are seasonal, most of the best delicacies are best eaten during summer and sometimes, some food only appear during summer, making it a time where some people who are looking for some food to taste would wait until summer just for that.

In short, Summer is the long awaited season by many.