The Pope opens his eyes, and he immediately gets up from his bed.
"Your Eminence!"
The Pope looked at his side and saw the panicked look of his followers.
"Wha-what happened? Urgh!" the Pope held his head as he tried to recall the memories before, but all he received was a painful pang of pain, and he did not remember what he was trying to recall.
"Your Eminence, don't push yourself too hard! You just collapsed suddenly while we were in a meeting. We then rushed you to your room, performed some healing rituals, and realized that you were experiencing something. Are you alright?"
"I... have seen it..."
"Your Eminence?" the others were confused.
"I have seen the revelation. And the ones that we wanted to avoid the most. It seems that the events are happening just as predicted by the Priestess."
"You mean...?!" the priests started to sweat.