
Hensley's POV

"Wake up, someone is at the door." My mum said she sounded a bit scared and weary. I sat up, her hands on my shoulders were trembling terribly.

Looking at her, I knew that she was extremely sacred but she was making a stressful effort to hide it.

I leaped from the bed to the floor.

"Who is it?." I asked her wondering if she would know.

"Big scary looking guy, blonde hair, green eyes. With two other guys, as scary as him, one of them was wearing a suit but he was putting on just grey sweatpants and matching t-shirt."

I wondered who it could be, I felt sweat prickling down my face, I wiped it nervously with the back of my hand.

"Did they look armed, we could escape from the back door."

"They didn't look armed, they didn't try to break in, they just knocked and waited for someone to respond, I wonder how long they have been out there knocking before I heard them."