Chapter 3

Yelena frowned and thought for a while and said; "Let me think about it. In the novel "La Traviata" by the French writer Alexandre Dumas, I read that there is a magical profession in European city states called magician, which can change incredible things. The scene, do you think this Oriental boy looks like?"

   "When you said that, I also remembered it. It really looks like hey."

   "Then is he a magician?"

"Just ask, don't you know." Yelena raised her white chin proudly and coughed lightly. The gentlemen standing next to her stepped aside from the position very gentlemanly, and she stepped forward and asked; "Sorry sir, This is Yelena, I want to ask..."

   "My name is Li Fushou, this young and beautiful lady, you can call me; Li."

   "Li, are you a magician?"

  Li Fushou took the silver shilling handed by his companion and put it in his pocket with a smile. His pocket is now full of silver coins, and he has gained a lot.

He looked up and down Yelena and her companions, and found that these three beautiful young women were wearing high-value skirts. They were obviously big fat sheep from wealthy families, and their smiles became more gentle; "The East is completely different from the West. In the mysterious world, the gods we believe in will bless magical powers. This is what you see."

   "Is it an illusion?"

   "Hehe...not exactly. After applying Oriental Theatrical Art, you can understand it as a naughty prank ball, and it depends on whether you can catch it."

   "Oh, God! I feel really interesting..."

  A little bit of effort

  Li Fushou's accumulated wealth is close to 22 pounds. His fellow villagers He Shoutian, Fan Asheng, and Liu Shuan, who helped him collect money and maintain order, were very busy and admired the tall young fellows in their hearts.

  Being able to make foreign devils take the initiative to rush to send money, this is a great ability.

Although    is a fellow countryman who arrived in one ship, everyone was actually not familiar with each other before embarking on the ship in Hong Kong. These fellow countrymen had never seen the trick of "Three Immortals Returning to the Cave" or even listened to it.

  In this era, information is blocked, and very few people know the ancient local trick of "Sanxian Guidong", and the result is even better.

  The hand exposed by Li Fushou not only stunned foreigners, but also stunned his fellow shipmates who had travelled across the ocean to Australia.

  Don't forget, people in the steam age are very superstitious.

  All things that cannot be explained by common sense can be attributed to gods, ghosts, and foxes. Those who can demonstrate this extraordinary ability are powerful men and are worthy of worship by all living beings.

  If it weren't for the shyness in the pocket, the fellow villagers who were onlookers from afar would also like to come up and try their skills.

  Yelina was not completely satisfied with Li Fushou's answer. She took a look at the three bowls and three **** on the bluestone platform, and went to check it curiously, but found nothing unusual.

  God, what is going on?

  Elena exchanged her eyes with her two companions, then looked at Li Fushou and said; "I think I understand a little bit, and I want to try it."

   "Welcome very much, it is my honor."

   "Well... I suspect you will hide the ball in your sleeve, so I ask you to roll up your sleeve. If your husband agrees, I will pay a pound."

  Big fish has taken the bait!

Li Fushou politely bowed and said without hurries; "Beautiful Miss Yelena, thank you very much for your trust. I accept your proposal in full and announce; if you get a correct guess, you will win 30 at one time. For the pound bonus, you need a little luck and better eyesight. I hope that you can be as smart as you and succeed in one fell swoop."

  30 pounds?

  The crowd of onlookers all around made a sound of shock. 30 pounds is not a small number, which is very attractive to everyone.

  The novel "Wuthering Heights" published not long ago has taken the world by storm. The heroine Catherine works as a governess in Wuthering Heights, with an annual income of 30 pounds. This is a leisurely and generous job.

A seamstress in London can earn 6 to 7 pounds a year, a common sailor of the British Imperial Navy can earn 8 pounds 3 shillings, and experienced junior non-commissioned officers can earn 12 pounds 2 shillings, which is almost 1 pound 4 pence a month. Of course, this is the income of the imperial soldiers in peacetime.

  In Australia, a seamstress can only earn 3-4 pounds a year.

  According to the painful exchange rate of the British Empire, 1 pound = 20 shillings and one shilling = 12 pence.

  The value of one pound is equal to one pound of silver (370 grams), calculated according to the old system of the Manchu Empire, 16 taels per catty, and converted into about one tael of silver to 0.15 pounds = 3 shillings

  Currently, the world's gold standard financial system, the pound is the strongest currency in the world, and the currencies of other European powers are linked to the pound.

  One pound = 20 German gold marks = 33 Spanish silver pesos = 5 US dollars

  It can be seen that 30 pounds is a large unit of value, equivalent to 199 taels of silver.

  As long as you guess the trick, you can get it.

  Li Fushou watched the atmosphere on the scene warm up again, and these blond and blue-eyed Tu Laoao were eager to try, and they were secretly happy.

  I drop a good boy, it's all big fat sheep!

  He slowly rolled up his sleeves above his elbows, revealing his young and fair arms, his skin exuding a healthy and youthful luster, smooth like baby skin, without the disgusting yellow arm hair.

  The three young women standing in the front stared closely at his smooth arms, as if they were admiring an exquisite work of art, with an eager look in their eyes.

  Li Fushou saw all this in his eyes, and he inevitably coughed a little embarrassingly, and the woman's sight was attracted to the trick;

  What's wrong with these foreign women?

  One, two, three are all beautiful, is Tuao now so enthusiastic and open, Xiaoye, I don't sell my own business, but I'm not an easy-going person.

  Li Fushou showed off his sleek arms to show that there was no hiding, and then slowed down as much as possible so that Miss Ye Linna could see more clearly.

  There are not many big sheep like this, catching one is one, and maintaining suspense is the key.

  The first two bowls are empty with lids, and the three red **** are placed in the third bowl. This is true.

  Elena stared at her without blinking, and pointed to the third bowl with a certain tone and said; "There are three small **** in this bowl."

   "Really?" Li Fushou slowly opened the bowl quietly. There were only two small **** in the bowl. This time Yelena guessed wrong.

   "I guess... the remaining ball must be in this middle bowl." Yelena's tone was very positive.

  "Sorry, miss, you need to pay another pound."

"Huh, there is 13 pounds in this purse, now I can guess it?" Miss Yelena came up with interest, money is not a problem at all, and she threw a heavy embroidered purse with glittering pound coins in it. .

  Li Fushouqiang resisted the ecstasy in his heart, pretending to be helpless with his arms folded, the real little ball was in his palm, and he could put it into any bowl at any time.

  These Australians are straightforward, with one intestine going to the end, their brains are hardly turning, and there is really no challenge at all.

  "You can open the middle bowl by yourself and take a look."

"Oh, that's great."

   Yelena opened the middle bowl happily. The trick she participated in made her enthusiastic, but she found that there was nothing in the bowl, and her expression became very exciting.

  She changed her mind;

  Now two bowls have been opened. One bowl contains two small balls, while the other one does not. The remaining small ball must be in the third bowl.

   "I guess, the last ball must be in this bowl."

   "Uh... if you want to confirm the guess, it will cost an extra pound. If you are sure... you can open it yourself and take a look, and then trouble you to help me cover the bowl."

   Yelena opened the last bowl with great confidence, but the result was empty, her pretty face was immediately stunned.

  In a blink of an eye, three pounds was spent, and I didn't guess right once.

  She looked at Li Fushou suspiciously, and asked; "I've seen all three bowls, and what about a small ball?"

Li Fushou stretched out his hand to open the first small bowl. There were three small red **** in it, and he said slyly; "Beautiful Miss Yelena, I'm afraid you just missed one. Look, the small **** are not here. In the bowl?"

  After finishing speaking, he moved slowly to cover the small bowl again.

  As soon as he retracted his hand, all three small **** were caught in his palm.

The ancient game   Sanxianguidong is very interesting. It's just a trick to play.

  If you guess there is, then there is no in the bowl, if you guess there is no, then there is.

  No matter how you guess, it's all wrong anyway.

  In the trick of Sanxianguidong, you must never believe what you see in your eyes, and it is never possible to guess.

  Not too much time for the freshman, the three rich ladies are all clean and slick, and they are still confused.

  They didn't understand what was going on at all, and couldn't understand what they saw before them. They could only make a fuss and shout "God" with an incredible look on their faces.

  While waiting for the four-wheeled carriage in the gold mine, Li Fushou had already earned dozens of pounds. After the carriage arrived, he and his companions quickly put away the stall and left. The walk was so sudden, without any nostalgia.

  (End of this chapter)