edit,   My mother's eyes narrowed as she recognized Aurora and Alpha Brian. "You dare to show your face here?” My mother clenched fists.

  Aurora smeared a malicious smirk on her lips, "I have come to settle things, Florida."

  "You can't hide from the consequences any longer, Aurora. You are a wicked woman,” I yelled at her.

  Before I could react, my mother stepped forward, fury blazing in her eyes, and blew hot.

  "You have caused enough pain. It's time to pay for your actions."

  My mum growled, her muscles throbbing like tightly wound springs. Aurora snarled, mirrored her, eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The students paved the way for them amidst tension.

  Without warning, my mother lunged forward, her jaws snapping with lethal precision. Aurora dodged gracefully and mocked my mom's precision. My mom shifted to her beast while Aurora shifted to her brown wolf. The whole students made a 'startled wow' and awe-inspired.